Bellator 63 is coming to you live from Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT. Tonight's card features four Welterweight Tournament fights to be broadcast on MTV2 at 8pm. I will also post prelim results from the non-televised bouts happening tonight.
Fight 1: Brandon Fleming defs. Peter Rogers via Peruvian Necktie - Rd. 1 - 3:39
Fight 2: Munah Holland defs. Marianna Kheyfets via KO - Rd. 2 - 4:45
Fight 3: Andrey Koreshov defs. Tiawan Howard via KO - Rd. 1 - 1:26
Fight 4: Dan Cramer defs. Jeff Nader via Spilt Decision
Fight 5: Welterweight Quarterfinal - Ben Saunders vs. Raul Amaya
Round 1:
Saunders throws a head kick and and Amaya ducks under it and grabs Saunders. Amaya shoots and has Saunders pressed up against the cage. He continues to work and Saunders goes for a standing armbar. Amaya gets free, but know they ar clinched with Amaya?s back to the cage. Saunders lands two big knees to the face. Saunders lands another knee for the body. Saunders grabs Amayas arm for what looks like a standing kimura and he turns it into a standing armbar. They spin with the hold locked and Amaya gets out but ends up on the ground with Saunders on top. Amaya is turtled and Saunders lands big knees to the ribs of Amaya while he is down. They are back up and clinched and Saunders lands another knee to the face. Amaya is still looking for a takedown, but Saunders grabs an arm and works him back down. Amaya looks like he is in bad shape as Saunders rolls and lands ready to pull back an armbar. Saunder?s goes for i and Amaya rolls and eventually breaks free. Saunders goes for a triangle and Amaya gets out and starts to take top position as the bell rings.
Round 2:
They both come out swinging and Amaya goes for a big uppercut. They clinch and Amaya throws a high knee to the head of Saunders. Amaya tries to get Saunders down and Ben defends. They clinch and Saunders lands a giant knee to the face and Amaya goes down and covers up. Saunders follows him and takes his back. Amaya gets out and almost sweeps. She shoots on Saunders as they stand. They go to the cage, and Amay gets Saunders down. Saunders is working from his back and sets up a triangle. Amaya gets out and goes for an arm triangle, but Saunders gets out and ends up on his back. Saunders has a leg like he wants to butterfly sweep Amaya, but Amaya unloads a flurry and steps over Saunders and spins falling back into his guard. Saunders closes guard and gets a foot on Amaya's hip. He gets an armbar, but Amaya postures and rolls out. Saunders is trying to set something up, but Amaya is starting to neutralize his ground game. The bell rings.
Round 3:
Amaya comes out swinging and lands a combo ending with a strong uppercut and a big knee to the face. Saunders falls on him and lands on top and works for a submission. Amaya sweeps and takes Saunders back. He postures up to strike and Saunders sweeps and gets in Amaya?s guard. Amaya tries to get up and gives up his back. Saunders gets a hook and has wrist control. He softens Amaya up with some strikes while a bodylock is attached. They roll over and Sanders ends up on top trying o keep Amaya flat. Saunders lands a couple of hammer fists to Amaya?s head. Then he opens up with more strikes. Amaya turns over, but Saunders has him mounted and starts going landing some bigger strikes. He goes for an American and Amaya gets his arm fee. Saunders has his back again and is landing big right hands to Amaya?s face as the bell rings.
Winner: Ben Saunders via Unanimous Decision
Post Fight: Saunders says Raul Amaya said, "I am pretty sure I closed his eye shut and he didn?t care. This kid is tough as hell."
Fight 6: Welterweight Quarterfinal - David Rickles vs. Jordan Smith
Round 1:
Rickles throws a head kick as Smith throws a kick to the body. Nothing lands hard. Rickles lands a good combo and Smith buckles over, and Rickles follows with a series of great punches and Smith is out of it. Dan Miragliotta steps in and keeps Smith from taking any more damage. Quick work.
Winner: David Rickles wins via TKO - Rd. 1 - :22
Fight 7: Welterweight Quarterfinal - Carlos Pereira vs. Bryan Baker
Round: 1
They do no touch gloves. They are dancing. Baker throws a sidekick, and it is blocked. Pereira throws a leg kick. Baker lands a back kick. Pereira throws a leg kick and Baker catches and shoots. Then Baker picks him up and slams him. Pereira has him in half guard and then he sweeps. He pushes Baker to the fence and stands up and goes for a knee. Baker gets up and throws another side kick. Pereira throws a rear leg head kick that is blocked, but it had heat on it. Backer with another back kick. Both land an inside push kick to the side of the knee. Baker throws a 1-2 combo and shoots. Pereira ends up against the cage and Baker is working knees to the legs of Pereira. Pereira gets Baker down and they pop back up still clinched. They exchange knees while clinched against the cage until the bell rings.
Round 2:
Pereira lands a leg kick. Baker checks a kick and the shin on shin sound gets an ewwww from the crowd. They tie-up and work knees. Baker shoes Pereira down, but he pops right back up. Baker throws a roundhouse to the head, but it is blocked. He follows up with a left-right and a rear leg roundhouse. nowt they are feeling each other out again and the crowd is getting restless pretty quickly. Pereira lands a big inside leg kick, but Baker keeps coming forward even though he is not throwing meaningful strikes. Pereira shoots and gets Baker on his back and seems comfortable in his guard. Baker looks like he is going for a triangle, and Pereira stays in the position not worried. Eventually, Baker gets up and the round ends to big boos from the crowd. (It was not that bad...)
Round 3:
Pereira is landing leg kicks. Both are literally trading kicks that are not setup with any hands. They crowd is the aggressor in this fight. Pereira lands a spinning back kick followed by an inside leg kick. Baker lands a kick to the body and then shoots. Pereira goe for a a keylock and Baker stands up. They stay clinched and Baker attempts to slam Pereira, but Pereira goes limp and Baker cannot toss the weight. Baker then works and almost takes back, but Pereira is working to get Baker?s arm. The ref breaks them up. Baker rushes in for a takedown with ten seconds left and pounds on Pereira with a few rights from a crucifix position until the bell rings.
Winner: Bryan Backer wins via Split Decision
Fight 8: Welterweight Quarterfinal - Chris Lozano vs. vs. Karl Amoussou
Round 1:
The crowd is just in a booing mood tonight. Both men dance as the crowd sings. Amoussou whiffs a leg kick and then throws one to the body. Amoussou throws a kick and Lozano catches and and lands some punches as he takes him down. Amoussou sweeps and and takes Lozano back. He starts pounding on Lozano and goes for a rear naked choke. He will not let up. He gets his forearm in there and locks the rear naked choke in and Lozano taps.
Winner: Karl Amoussou via Rear Naked Choke - Rd. 1 - 2:05
Amoussous said something along the lines he came here to destroy. I think I believe him.
Fight 9: Saul Almeida vs. Matt Bessette
Round 1:
They rush in and Bessette throws a close kick and they clinch and dirty box aggressively. Both are moving pretty quickly. They exchange jabs in the pocked and Bessette goes for a head kick that almost connects, but he slips. Almeida gets on top and Bessette opens his guard to work. Almeida tries to work elbows from the top. He gets into half guard and goes for a choke, but Bessette gets up and they tie-up on the cage. Bessette is landing knees to the thigh, and Almeida is trying to get of the cage. He does and switches, but he is right back against the cage. They have gone halfway around the cage still in this clinch exchanging knees. The crowd is cheering loudly for these two local favorites. Almeida trips for the take down and Bessette quickly sweeps and is on top in Alemida?s guard. Almeida is tying his limbs up and Bessette stands up lifting Almeida to his feet as well. Bessette gets a knee to the face and they exchange heavy hands as the round ends.
Round 2:
Bessette lands a right uppercut the ribs as Almeida rushes in. They tie-up and then disengage. Almeida throws a kick and Bessette evades with head movement. Almeida shoots and and gets the takedown, but Bessette is quick and ends up on top and goes for a guillotine. It is in very tight. Almeida somehow holds on and Bessette pulls guard. They get up and Almeida tries to take Bessette?s back and Bessette tosses him off and lands some elbows on the ground. Bessette is standing up with his shoulder driving Almeida into the mat and then he advances to side control. Bessette is working some strikes but eventually ends up in Almeida?s guard. They get up and work tight combos on the inside with ten seconds left. The ref steps between them as the bell rings.
Round 3:
Bessette is working in in and Almeida is looking gassed. Bessette is pushing the pace and Almeida is mainly evading. Bessette shoots and they bounce of the cage and exchange in the center. Bessette with a kick to the body. He is slipping Almeida?s punches. Almeida tags Bessette with a nice jab. They clinch and break. Bessette is blocking Bessette punches and working combos trying to land an uppercut. He goes for a single leg and Almeida resists. Bessette throws a big knee that lands, but he slips. Bessette lands a huge up kick and Almeida crashes down on him and tries to keep control on top. Bessette spins in a scramble and almost heys out. The ten second clack sounds and Almeida backs up and motions for Bessette to stand up. They attempt to strike for the remaining seconds and the bell rings.
Winner: Matt Bessette via Unanimous Decision
Source: http://www.mmatorch.com/artman2/publish/Live_Event_Reports_12/article_12917.shtml
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